Buenos Aires: three miles of pizza

ArgentinaGastronomy 28 October, 2019

The delicious and assorted pizzas in Argentina’s capital are world famous. Here we tell you how to find the best along Corrientes Avenue.

Pizza in Buenos Aires is almost imperative. There are so many and all so good the problem is knowing where to start. Well then: Since 2012, during the marathon Muza 5k (the name of course comes from muzzarella, the way local porteños call their favorite cheese) all the most beloved pizzerias open their doors to share their best slices.

Even if your visit does not coincide with the marathon —celebrated at some point during Spring— their selection is a very good starting point. El Imperio de la Pizza, Pétalo, Santa María and La Americana are old school favorites, as it is Pin Pun, where we specially recommend the delicious fugazzetta —an Argentinian invention with onion and cheese—. But for the most genuine local experience, head on to Pizzería Güerrín.