Get over jetlag

Tips 28 October, 2019

All you need to know to beat jetlag in nine easy steps.

How long does it really take to get over jetlag? There is not one answer, because we are all affected by it in different ways. However, there are some recommendations to minimize the imbalance one suffers when traveling from one time zone to another.

Before the flight
• Have a good night sleep before your trip, so you will be fresh and ready for whatever comes.
• Try to book a flight that arrives in the morning to your destination. It will be easier to stay awake and adapt to the new time zone.

During the flight
• Drink a lot of water. Avoid alcohol and caffeine: these will dehydrate your body and make recovery slower.
• Avoid sleeping pills: they could make you groggy at landing, and you will still feel tired and confused. It is best to drink herbal teas.
• Change the hour on your watch on boarding to mentally prepare yourself for the new time zone. Be careful though not to do it before boarding so you don’t become confused and miss your flight.
• Try to sleep the same amount of time you sleep on a 24 hour period. If you miss a few hours, you can recoup going to bed early the first night upon arrival.
• Take an eye-mask, earplugs and comfy clothes to rest during the flight so the light and the sound do not bother you.

After the flight
• Do some exercise to activate your endorphins and adjust to the new time zone.
• If you arrive during the day, look often up to the sky, to help your mind and body synchronize with the sun.
• Treat yourself to a nice high protein breakfast so your brain stays alert during the day.